AquaWorks DBO is an award winning civil and environmental engineering firm dedicated to creating top-quality small-scale water and wastewater treatment systems. We provide planning, design, permitting, construction management, and start-up services. We specialize in package water and wastewater systems treating less than 1-million gallons per day.

Our team is focused on one thing – delivering to our clients the most cost-effective treatment systems to meet their environmental compliance requirements. In addition to our professional service offerings, we are skilled at providing all the services a utility may need to construct a new facility with our design build operate capabilities. We regularly work with the regulatory agencies to obtain the required approvals for treatment projects.

We provide all the design functions that projects may require, including treatment plant design, collection and distribution system design, permit applications, facility planning, performance reviews, and value engineering. Our team of professional engineers can manage all phases of the design process for our clients including the civil, environmental, structural, electrical, and mechanical design disciplines.

The ability to fund a project is a challenge for many of our customers. We are familiar with both grants and low interest loan opportunities available to make these projects more affordable. We regularly prepare the funding applications on behalf of our clients and have been successful in obtaining assistance from numerous sources.

Are you already working with an engineer on your treatment system but are seeking supplemental technical services for your team? We often augment an owner’s capabilities by providing project management, oversight, value engineering, and engineering management to facilitate a successful project delivery.
Wastewater Treatment Projects, Potable Water Treatment, and Water Storage Projects
American Academy of
Environmental Engineers & Scientists
Small Firms Category | 2013, 2016, 2018

Contact Us For More Details
We would be happy to hear about your project needs and discuss how we can make your project a success.